So our sweet little man turned two yesterday! Saturday we had Joshua's little party, and we had a!...He just loves farm animals and cows are his very favorite! He was soooo excited with all the cow decor!! We had such a wonderful time celebrating this little personality ;)
He wasn't a huge fan of the cow costume, but how could I can was too darn cute on him! Thanks Auntie Mere!
Oh boy did he dig into this cow cake! Haha, I think you can tell by the pics he loved it!..It was so super yummy...thanks again for another delicious cake, Cake Shoppe!
And then came the presents...we waited until after he had a little quiet time to open them because he was so wiped from the party! And he tore right through all of them!
Band In A Box Was a Huge Hit!
Another year older, and another year we got to watch you grow into such a sweet, happy, fun little man! Joshua you have brought us more joy than we could have ever imagined was possible!...I cannot remember life before you, and you continue to amaze us every day we get to spend with you! You have the biggest heart in the world, and I just wish for you that life becomes all that you want it you!... Happy 2nd Birthday Joshua, Mommy and Daddy love you!!