Thought this would be fun with Valentine's Day approaching!
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We've been together for 11 years, WOW. more than a decade, i haven't thought about that until now!
2. How did you meet? {What's your "love" story?}
We met in high school, he was my high school sweetheart. Yes, we met at computer camp the summer before freshman year, haha...It's a funny mom saw him get out of the car when his mom dropped him off and said to me "honey, look at that cute boy you have to go talk to him"...he had the blonde hair (which is my total type) and my mom said honey he's so your type go get him haha...I was way too shy to talk to him then and found out he had a girlfriend at the time, but he remembered me haha and we started dating late sophmore year..never were apart after that, and the rest is history!
3. If married, how long have you been married? If not, is this the guy you hope to marry? {do tell}
We've been married 3 years, it will be 4 years in May!
4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding? If not, where would you like to get married? And will it be big or small?
We got married here in Atlanta...It was a decent sized wedding, about 250 of our closest family and friends..we kept it as intimate as we could...Our reception was at the Trolley Barn at Inman Park and oh was it the perfect place, so much fun! It is such an amazing memory I'll always treasure that night!
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
No nothing special...just love and hun!
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
*He shows me every single day how much he loves me...makes me feel like one special lady ;)
*He loves our son more than anything in the world, and I couldn't have hand picked a more amazing father to my child.
*He is truly the sweetest man I've ever met in my life...people tell me all the time, it makes me can't help but love him.
7. Tell us how he proposed? Or your ideal proposal?
He proposed at our most favorite restaurant ever. We went for dinner and I truly had no idea anything was up other than he kept looking around which I thought was weird...I ordered my usual dumplings appetizer and soon thereafter the he waiter brought out my dumplings and when I opened the top of the canister it was not dumplings but instead a ring box, I gasped and he dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him and of course I said "YES!"
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
He's pretty creative, I love the sweet cards and champagne..but he surprises me with something sweet every year.
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
Definitely a pop in a movie and relax on the couch kind of girl, haha now that I'm a mommy that is. We used to go out all the time for romantic dinners during the week...but these days it's a redbox, cook a yummy dinner and wine kind of night most of the time!
10. Tell us one thing you'd like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Two places I want to go with my man...Figi and Italy, I've always wanted to go...I have a really hard time leaving my little man but one day when our kids are a little older I'd love to go and just have us time!
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine's Day.
This Valentine's Day, like he always does, the hubby is surprising me with dinner and a date!
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine's day?
No...Valentine's to me is just being with the one's i love, my sweet boys...but he always seems to sneak something even though i tell him not to.
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Honesty, never go to bed angry, and remember the little hugs and kisses all the time! Whoops, that's three.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.