Joshua is has blossomed so much as of late, it's crazy how fast they change...I haven't done a post about what he's up to lately so here it is..
He's 27 months old now and...
*He LOVES his food haha he truly loves to eat and eats like a horse...some of his favorites are Moe's burritoes, avacados, turkey & cream cheese sandwiches, panera's mac n' cheese, all FRUIT but his favorites are strawberries and blueberries and mandarin oranges, chicken nuggets, pizza, carrots, The Varsity, cupcakes, milkshakes, raviolli, and cheeseburgers!
*He is saying 4 and 5 words sentences now all the time!
*He has the sweetest smile from ear to ear, i can't help but smile too!
*He loves being active and on the go all the time, this child doesn't slow down...Gymboree, Fernbank, park, Aquarium, Hippohopp, you name it he asks for it now! Really looking forward to adding park dates and pool dates at the grandparent's every day in the Spring soon too!
*He loves being sung to before he goes to bed, puts him right to sleep in minutes it's so cute!
*He is sleeping from 7:30-8 to 7:30-8 every day, and naps from about 12:30 to 2:30 every day.
*He can count from 1-10 all by himself!
*He asks for mini pancakes or french toast sticks with fruit and orange juice every morning for breakfast!
*He has the brightest most beautiful blue eyes and super blonde hair!
*We have yet to start potty training thinking in the next month we're gonna give it a shot! (I just really want him to be potty trained by pre-school in the fall!)
*He loves jumping on the trampoline!
*He tries to push limits with mommy at times, luckily it doesn't take him but a minute to bounce back and return to his smiling self!
*He loves to climb up everything!
*He hates getting his teeth brushed and fight's it every time!
*He has the funniest smile face!
*He loves playing with playdough these days!
*He loves his daddy, he always asks me "mama, daddy home soon?" in the afternoon and sprints to him every night when he comes home from work to hug and tackle him.
*He's a stout little man i love it...chubby cheeks still and thick little thighs...looking like he's going to be short like mommy and daddy!
*He loves to kick the soccer ball and hit off the baseball tee and run the bases!
*We loves strolls with mommy still it's his favorite!
*Team Umizoomi is his favorite show and he loves watching it with breakfast every morning!
*When people ask him his name he says "I'm Josh" was easier to say and stuck...but we'll always call him Joshua!
*He loves to swing at the park, he will sit and swing in the bucket swing forever!
*He loves to dance, he dances all the time everywhere!
He's growing way too fast, he's the love of my life and I can't imagine life without this fun little ball of energy!
Host a Christmas Cookie Decorating Party for Kids
2 months ago
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